Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Friday! And I RAN!

4.5 miles today! In 47 minutes! Not too shabby.

I really have to start upping the mileage by more than a half a mile every couple weeks...I'd like to be able to comfortably do 5 by the middle of next week. I think I can handle it!

I know this weekend is going to be tough, as I'll be at my parents' house for my brother's graduation and the ensuing barbecue, but I'm planning to run at some point tomorrow afternoon, and hopefully Sunday morning too. The eating will also be a challenge...oh, and the beer. Oh boy.

Positive thoughts!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Observations in the Food Court

There can't be too many better places to witness the terrible eating habits of Americans than the mall food court. I forgot to pack a lunch today, so I decided to see if I could score a relatively healthy meal--while avoiding the $8 salad--in the food court at the Cambridgeside Galleria.

As I looked around at the choices, I couldn't help but remark at the selection of people and their eateries of choice. At the salad bar place and the sushi joint--a person or two, no more. But standing in front of Sarku Japan and Burger King...a massive line. Will Americans ever end their love affair with grease and MSG?

I commend the Galleria for offering some healthy choices--in addition to salad and sushi, there's also an Au Bon Pain, a D'Angelo's, and a shrimp place, which sells it fried but also in salads and wraps. And yet, despite these healthy choices, most of the people were crowded around the usual junk food purveyors.

I did in fact succeed in scoring a healthy, reasonably priced meal, and in a rather unlikely place. I ended up at Taco Bell, with a very yummy Chicken Fiesta Burrito from their "Fresco" menu--a selection of lower-calorie versions of their usual menu items, made with low-fat cheese, no sour cream, and more veggies.

I must say, well done, Taco Bell. My burrito, which the helpful signage at the counter informed me was only 330 calories, was fresh and filling, and only $3.09. Beats the heck out of Au Bon Pain's Baja Turkey Sandwich, which is not only almost $7, but despite sounding healthy actually has 650 calories!

Though I don't have all love for Taco Bell--they do offer lower-calorie options, but they also pioneered the concept of "Fourth Meal--The Meal Between Dinner and Breakfast"...truly, something that could only come from America.

Jumping on the bandwagon...

Well, it seems anyone who's anyone these days has a blog, and I figured, I'm kind of someone. So I'm jumping on the trend.

I'm guessing this will mostly be for my own enjoyment, but I also--perhaps vainly--think that some people might be interested in my musings. As with most self-important bloggers, I will use this platform to vent my frustrations, share my joys, and--the inspiration behind the title--keep myself accountable for the training for the half marathon I'm running in October. I've never done anything like it before, and I thought it might be fun to keep track of my runs somewhere public so that I might feel slightly more motivated.

It's appropriate then, that I in fact did NOT run this morning. It's raining! ...OK, I'm going to have to get past the whole running in the rain thing, but I'm not quite there yet.

In other news, Obama gave his speech in Cairo this morning, and I could not be more proud. Can you imagine Bush, or even Clinton quoting the Quran?? Way to go, Barack Hussein.

Also, I have to give a shout out to my better half, Mr. John Allen...he's doing a ministry internship in Washington, DC this summer, working to fight homelessness in the city and promote peace and equality, and I couldn't be more proud of him. To follow his adventures, check out his blog.

I think I'll leave it at that for now. I'm hoping this will be a fun experiement in expanding my social media horizons.

Stay tuned.